Saturday, July 31, 2010

Harness the Power of Flickr

I have to scientific proof, no stats to back up my claim.  But it seems to me the Influencers who have some of the highest share prices, also have some of the highest Flickr connection scores.  Flickr seem to be the network a lot of people neglect.

So I'm going to jack up my Flickr activity and see what happens.  I've gone and set up a brand new Flickr account and connected it to Empire Avenue.

First, I'm going to go through the 6 cities/communities I belong to and connect with every Flickr account I can, along with my shareholders, and the players I have invested in.  Pretty much I'll make a connection with anyone I can.

Then everyday I plan on uploading 10 photos, and commenting on 10 photos with the people I have made connections with.  10 is an arbitrary number but I'm going to try to stick with it.

Hopefully after a month my Flickr connection score is in the teens.  And if that is the case I think I could realize a good $5-10 point jump in the price of my shares.

I'm going to make this a weekly series to keep track of the progress I have made.

And if I'm correct that means my stock right now is darn cheap, so go buy some (e)RMN ASAP.

Friday, July 30, 2010

10 Great Dividend Paying Stocks You Must Have In Your Empire Avenue Portfolio

Here are 10 Influencers who pay a GREAT dividends, these people are a "must have" in your Empire Avenue portfolio.

  1. The Daily Bayonet - (e)TDB
  2. Tania Osorio - (e)TALOSH 
  3. Colin Eagles - (e)COLEAG   
  4. Said Hamideh - (e)SAEED 
  5. Dusty Smith - (e)DUSTY 
  6. Corey Tyhurst - (e)COREYT
  7. Sharedeck - (e)SHARE 
  8. Reign Smith - (e)REIGN 
  9. Brent Knowles - (e)WRITER 
  10. Mike Oplinger - (e)OPPY   
Do yourself a favor and get your hands on the stocks of these Influencers right now.  It's nice to wake up every morning and see a ton of spendable credits in your account.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to have a Successful IPO at Empire Avenue

With Empire Avenue opening to the general public yesterday, the amount of new stocks rallying past $11-12 has been rare.

One of the main reasons for this is the fact that in the last days of the Beta, Empire Avenue cut back on the number of shares that could be purchased in newbies from 200 shares to 50 shares.

Another main factor in my humble opinion is how new players are going about setting up their accounts and how they start off playing the game.

So I'm here to offer some useful tips to make sure your IPO at Empire Avenue a HUGE success.

All these steps should be taken before you purchase your 1st share of stock.

  1. Completely fill out your profile.
  2. Fill out your biography and be as detailed as is possible.
  3. Update your current status, and update it every time your doing something, it counts towards your activity level on Empire Avenue.  And not enough players do it.
  4. Setup your external connections; now this is VERY important, besides adding links to your website, Facebook account, Twitter, and Flickr accounts.  Under manage rss add your blogs rss feed and label it BLOG.  Blogs are very important and are weighted heavily in your metrics, plus if people see that you have listed your blogs rss feed they will take you much more seriously.  Don't worry about asking for your 5 endorsements those will come along fairly quick and as soon as you have them request that your rss feed be upgraded to blog status.
  5. You can join 2 cities and 2 interest/brand communities.  Do this, and add everyone to your watch list, endorse their feeds, follow them on Twitter, and request to be their friend on Facebook.  The connections you have with people on Empire Avenue at Twitter and Facebook is important.
  6. You could also add up to 50 brands and interests which you will get achievements and credits for.  I would recommend that you only add 15 of each, you will still receive 500 credits for that.  And save the rest of the credits you would earn for adding all 50 for when your stock is having a slow day.
  7. Navigate to the home page locate the influence advertising on the lower right and take out an ad introducing yourself to the Empire Avenue community.  You can take out an ad for 1000 page impressions that will cost you 200 credits.

By this time you should of had quite a few people buying your stock and you should have more than enough credits to start buying stock in other players.

There is an unwritten rule that if someone buys your stock you should buy theirs back, you can do that if you like, but I wouldn't recommend it.

So which players stock do you buy?

I would look to the cities and communities that you joined.  Buy the stock of the leaders in Top Stocks, Richest Members, and Richest Portfolios categories.  A lot of the time these may be the same people, but not necessarily.  Usually because of the wealth they have they will usually buy the maximum number of shares in you that they can.  And when other players see the BIG DOGS buying your stock they will jump on the bandwagon.

Don't forget to tweet about your stock.  Make sure you list your ticker symbol and use the hashtag #eav.

Hopefully this little tutorial has been helpful, and your stock is trading in the $14-15 range.

More importantly have fun with Empire Avenue it's quite addicting.

And don't forget you can always buy some of my shares (e)RMN.

Technorati Claim - DQ99E9DW9BT3

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Introduction To Empire Avenue

Today Empire Avenue opened to the general public.  And the opening was an astounding success.  Here is a video the team at Empire Avenue put together to help would be Empire Builders get a better understanding of what Empire Avenue is all about.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Empire Avenue Achievements

Achievements on Empire Avenue are credits you can earn for doing tasks.  You can either invest those credits in stocks or you could spend the credits to advertise yourself on the network.

You can earn Achievements for completing over 100 different tasks. Some of which are:
  • Brand Awareness
  • Joining Communities
  • Self Promotion (Spending credits to advertise yourself)
  • Being listed by 10 different people
  • Connecting your Facebook and Twitter account to Empire Avenue
  • When you build your portfolio to 100,000 credits

And there are even secret achievements, and I'll share one with you.  Change your profile picture 3-4 times in a row and you will earn the Shapeshifter achievement and earn yourself 100 credits.

P.S.  Yes. I know my stock is down a little today.  But I have been very inactive today and quite a few of my investors have taken their profits and moved on.  But no worries here my stock will be above $50 in no time.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Heard on the Avenue - Empire Avenue

Welcome to Heard on the Avenue.  The goal of this site is to discuss everything that has to do with the hottest social network on the planet Empire Avenue.

Empire Avenue is a virtual stock exchange that measures a persons influence online.

It also has an:
Advertising platform that allows individuals and organizations to convert their online influence and reach into revenue.

Influence is measured a lot of different ways some of which are:
  • How active you are on Empire Avenue
  • Your Twitter activity
  • The increase/decrease in your Twitter followers
  • Your Facebook activity
  • The amount of Facebook friends you have along with making new friends
  • How often you interact with your Facebook friends
  • Having a Flickr account and actively uploading pictures to it
  • Having an active blog is the most important, blog comments I believe are weighted but I'm not positive
  • And having a website always helps

Empire Avenue is a groundbreaking social network, plus it's a revolutionary way to make new connections and friends.  In the 12 days I have been a member, the amount of Facebook friends I have has doubled, and my Twitter followers has increased my 15%.

Empire Avenue is in Beta until July 28th when it opens up for everyone.  Currently there are about 10,000 members.  If you would like to get in on the action before that, I do have some invites left just leave a comment saying that you would like to be invited.

But if your already a member, buying some of my stock is always appreciated (e)RMN.  Just check out the cool badge in the sidebar.

Happy Trading.