Friday, July 30, 2010

10 Great Dividend Paying Stocks You Must Have In Your Empire Avenue Portfolio

Here are 10 Influencers who pay a GREAT dividends, these people are a "must have" in your Empire Avenue portfolio.

  1. The Daily Bayonet - (e)TDB
  2. Tania Osorio - (e)TALOSH 
  3. Colin Eagles - (e)COLEAG   
  4. Said Hamideh - (e)SAEED 
  5. Dusty Smith - (e)DUSTY 
  6. Corey Tyhurst - (e)COREYT
  7. Sharedeck - (e)SHARE 
  8. Reign Smith - (e)REIGN 
  9. Brent Knowles - (e)WRITER 
  10. Mike Oplinger - (e)OPPY   
Do yourself a favor and get your hands on the stocks of these Influencers right now.  It's nice to wake up every morning and see a ton of spendable credits in your account.


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